"Question Label";"Question Label" "Choice Label";"Choice Label" "Profile Type Label";"Profile Type Label" "Attach a Photo";"Attach a Photo" "USER_FORM_ADMIN_SETTINGS_LISTS_DESCRIPTION";"Using friend lists, your members can organize their friends under various labels that they create. They can then use these lists to send messages to multiple friends and customize their privacy settings." "{item:$subject} tagged you in a {item:$object:$label}.";"{item:$subject} tagged you in a {item:$object:$label}." "{item:$subject} reacted to your {item:$object:$label}.";"{item:$subject} reacted to your {item:$object:$label}." "{item:$subject} changed their {translate:$label} to ""{var:$value}"".";"{item:$subject} changed their {translate:$label} to ""{var:$value}""." "{item:$subject} tagged {item:$object} in a {var:$label}:";"{item:$subject} tagged {item:$object} in a {var:$label}:" "{item:$subject} likes your {item:$object:$label}.";"{item:$subject} likes your {item:$object:$label}." "{item:$subject} has commented on your {item:$object:$label}.";"{item:$subject} has commented on your {item:$object:$label}." "{item:$subject} has commented on a {item:$object:$label} you commented on.";"{item:$subject} has commented on a {item:$object:$label} you commented on." "{item:$subject} has commented on a {item:$object:$label} you liked.";"{item:$subject} has commented on a {item:$object:$label} you liked." "Label";"Label" " " "RESPONSIVE_ARIANA_THEME";"Responsive Vertical Theme" "EPETITION_PLUGIN";"Petition Plugin" "Name";"Name" "Email";"Email" "Phone";"Phone" "Facebook";"Facebook" "Twitter";"Twitter" "Linkedin";"Linkedin" "Website";"Website" "Save Contact Information";"Save Contact Information" "PETITION";"PETITION" "Petition";"Petition" "Save Changes";"Save Changes" "User Name";"User Name" "Enter User Name";"Enter User Name" "Submit";"Submit" "cancel";"cancel" "Goal";"Goal" "Save";"Save" "Total Petition: %s";"Total Petition: %s" "Petition Signature Goal";"Petition Signature Goal" "Petition Signature";"Petition Signature" "This page will display total signatures of this plugin and you can search the signatures based on the search criteria.";"This page will display total signatures of this plugin and you can search the signatures based on the search criteria." "Here you can manage your petition's location. This page will display location of the petition. The saved location will display on petiton profile page.";"Here you can manage your Petition's location. This page will display location of the Petition. The saved location will display on petiton profile page." "Enter the signature goal (in integer) which you want for this petition.";"Enter the signature goal (in integer) which you want for this Petition." "Signature Goal";"Signature Goal" "Duration";"Duration" "Start Date";"Start Date" "End Date";"End Date" "Report Format";"Report Format" "Download Report";"Download Report" "SEO Details";"SEO Details" "SEO Title";"SEO Title" "Enter list of keywords seperated by a comma (,)";"Enter list of keywords seperated by a comma (,)" "SEO Keywords";"SEO Keywords" "SEO Description";"SEO Description" "Petition Contact Information";"Petition Contact Information" "Petition Styles";"Petition Styles" "Custom Petition Styles";"Custom Petition Styles" "Remove Photo";"Remove Photo" "Do you want to remove petition profile photo? Doing so will set your photo back to the default photo.";"Do you want to remove Petition profile photo? Doing so will set your photo back to the default photo." "Current Photo";"Current Photo" "Choose New Photo";"Choose New Photo" "Save Photo";"Save Photo" "You can change the colors, fonts, and styles of your petition by adding CSS code below. The contents of the text area below will be output between