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SNS - Responsive A to Z Theme
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July 9, 2022
Default Notification Alerts
Default Notification Alerts
This page allows you to specify the default notification alerts for new users.
When people report anything on the site.
When people comment on things I post.
When people comment on the same thing as me.
When my content gets approved.
When my content gets disapproved.
When admin creates a new ticket for me.
When my content gets rejected.
When users resubmit content for approval and is waiting for admin approval.
When members create new support tickets.
When I get reply on my support ticket.
When users create new content and has to wait for admin approval.
When my new content is waiting for admin approval.
When someone accepts my friend request.
When I receive a friend request.
When people like things I post.
When people comment on things I've liked.
When I receive a message.
When people post on my profile.
When activity feed item is shared.
When I'm tagged in photos and other places.
When user follows me
When my followed users post something
When user sends me a follow request
When user accepts my follow request
Booking & Appointments
When Professional gets approved.
When a Professional is being registered and waiting for approval.
When Professional gets disapproved.
When Service gets approved.
When service is created and waiting for admin approval.
When Service gets disapproved.
When Professional accept your appointment request.
When Professional is auto-approved.
When professional self book service for user.
When Professional cancel your appointment.
When site admin approves the payment of Professional.
When site admin rejects the payment of Professional.
When Professional requests for the payment.
When Professional rejects your appointment request.
When Service is auto-approved.
When user accepts the appointment request.
When user request to professional for a service.
When user cancels the appointment.
When someone mark a Professional as favourite.
When someone mark a Service as favourite.
When someone follow a Professional.
When someone likes a Professional.
When someone likes a Service.
When user reject the appointment request.
Learning Management System
When admin approves Course request"
When admin rejects Course request.
When my Course gets approved.
When my Course gets disapproved.
When I create a new Course.
When someone marked my Course as favourite.
When my Course gets featured.
When someone like my Course.
When my Course gets sponsored.
When my Course gets verified.
When I create a new Course and has to wait for admin approval.
When I create a new Lecture.
When my payment has been done by admin.
When my Course payment is done.
When Course owner request for payment.
When someone gives a review on Course.
When I create a new Test.
When someone fail Test.
When someone given Test.
When someone pass Test.
When I create a new Course and has to wait for admin approval.
When I create wishlist.
SNS - Courses Videos Extension
Video is approved by the administrator
Video is disapproved by the administrator
Video is processed
When someone mark page video as favorite
Video processed failed
When someone rates an page video
Learning Management System
When someone joins the Classroom I Joined.
When someone gives a review on Classroom I Followed.
When admin approves your claim request for Classroom.
When admin rejects your claim request for Classroom.
When someone Likes a Classroom I Followed.
When someone Likes a Classroom I Liked.
When I create a new Classroom.
When someone marked my Classroom as favourite.
When my Classroom gets featured.
When I Follow a Classroom.
When my Classroom gets hot.
When someone like my Classroom.
When my Classroom gets sponsored.
When my Classroom gets verified.
When my Classroom gets approved.
When my Classroom gets disapproved.
When I create a new Classroom and has to wait for admin approval.
When someone request to link my Classroom.
When admin has approved claim by other member for your Classroom.
When I Join a Classroom.
When someone gives a review on Classroom.
When I create a new Classroom and has to wait for admin approval.
When someone claims your Classroom.
When someone claims Classroom owner.
Documents Sharing Plugin
When Admin approved my document.
When admin disapproved my document.
When someone favorited my document.
When someone liked my document.
When someone rated my Document.
When my document is waiting for approval from the admin.
When document approval request is sent to Admin.
SNS - Games Plugin
When someone likes my game.
Virtual Gifts Plugin
When someone makes payment for the gift purchase.
When someone sends a gift to a member.
Live Streaming
When a user go live.
When a user share live video.
Member Compliments
When someone sends me compliment.
Multiple Listing Builder (Reviews & Rating) Plugin
When someone add my listing listing in wishlist.
When admin has approved your listing listing.
When my listing listing gets disapproved.
When your claim for a listing listing is approved.
When your claim for a listing listing is declined.
When someone claims for a listing listing.
When a new Listing entry is posted by an Expert.
When someone likes a listing listing.
When someone marks a listing listing as favorite.
When a new listing listing is created.
When someone writes a review on listing listing.
When admin marked listing listing as listing listing Of The Day.
When someone's claim on your listing listing is approved.
When a listing listing is waiting for approval.
When someone claims your listing listing.
Petition Plugin
When someone comments on one of my Petition entries.
When decision maker is added in the Petition.
When decision is added in the Petition.
When admin has created a Petition.
When admin has created a Petition.
When album created in a Petition is liked.
When Petition is approved by the admin.
When update is added in my Petition.
When Petition get closed.
My someone favorited my Petition.
When Letter is added in the Petition.
When I have added letter in the Petition.
When my letter is approved by the decision maker.
When my letter is approved by the decision maker.
When my letter is approved by the decision maker.
When someone liked my Petition.
When a new Petition entry is posted.
When Petition owner has created a Petition
When Signature Goal is added for the Petition.
When signature is added in the Petition.
When Petition is approved by the admin.
When Petition is disapproved by the admin.
When user deleted signtaure for the Petition.
When someone like photo in my Petition.
When Signature Goal for the Petition has reached:
When any update is posted in the Petition by Decision Maker.
When victory is marked for the Petition.
Stores Marketplace Plugin
When my request to link a Store is approved.
When my request to join a Store is approved.
When someone request to join my Store.
When admin approves Store request
When admin rejects Store request
When admin approves your claim request for Store.
When admin rejects your claim request for Store.
When other Store owner approves my request for crossposting.
When other Store owner request to add my Store for crossposting.
When a Store is created in category I Followed.
When someone invites me to Store.
When someone request to link my store.
When admin has approved claim by other member for your Store.
When my Store payment is done
When my store is pending because of payment.
When Store owner request for payment
When my request to join a Store has been disapproved.
When Store owner rejects my request for Store linking.
When Store owner review post.
When my Store gets approved.
When my Store gets disapproved.
When name of my Favourite Store is changed.
When name of Store I Followed is changed.
When someone creates new photo album in a Store I Followed
When someone joined the Store I Followed.
When someone Likes a Store I Followed.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Store I Followed.
When someone creates new photo album in a Store I Joined
When someone joins the Store I Joined.
When someone likes the Store I Joined.
When name of Store I Joined is changed.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Store I Joined.
When someone marked my Store as favourite.
When someone follow my Store.
When someone Joins my Store.
When someone like my Store.
When a new announcement is posted in Store.
When I create a new Store and has to wait for admin approval.
When new store is created and is waiting for admin approval.
When Store owners assign me a role in their Store.
When someone claims your store.
When someone claims Store owner
When people request to cancel the invite request done by the others.
When people subscribes with a manual payment method (cash, check, free, bank).
When members make payment for user verification.
When your plan is changed
When plan is about to expire
Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin
When someone reacted Anger.
When someone reacted LOL
When someone reacted Love
When someone reacted Sad
When someone reacted Wow
When someone schedule post live.
When someone tag me in a post.
Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin
When someone reply comment
When someone tagged your content
When someone mention me in a comment.
When someone tagged me on comment Reply post.
Advanced Polls Plugin
When a user mark poll as favourite.
When a user likes poll.
When a user likes poll.
Advanced Photos & Albums Plugin
When my album has been added to favourite
When my album has been rated
When my photo has been added to favourite
When my photo has been rated
Advanced Article Plugin
When your claim for a article is approved.
When your claim for a article is declined.
When someone's claim on your article is approved.
When a new article entry is posted by a member you have subscribed to.
When someone claims your article.
Birthday Plugin
When someone wishes you on your birthday.
Advanced Blog Plugin
When admin approve your request for a new blog.
When my blog gets approved.
When admin created a new blog.
When your claim for a Blog is approved.
When your claim for a Blog is declined.
When someone's claim on your Blog is approved.
When payment made for the Blog.
When admin rejected your request for a new blog.
When admin remove request for the blog approval.
When request is sent for Blog approval.
When a new Blog entry is posted by a member you have subscribed to.
When someone claims your Blog.
Business Directories
When my request to link a Business is approved.
When my request to join a Business is approved.
When someone request to join my Business.
When my Business gets approved.
When my Business gets disapproved.
When name of my Favourite Business is changed.
When name of Business I Followed is changed.
When someone creates new photo album in a Business I Followed
When someone joined the Business I Followed.
When someone Likes a Business I Followed.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Business I Followed.
When someone creates new photo album in a Business I Joined
When someone joins the Business I Joined.
When someone likes the Business I Joined.
When name of Business I Joined is changed.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Business I Joined.
When someone marked my Business as favourite.
When someone follow my Business.
When someone Joins my Business.
When someone like my Business.
When a new announcement is posted in Business.
When I create a new Business and has to wait for admin approval.
When new business is created and is waiting for admin approval.
When Business owners assign me a role in their Business.
When admin approves your claim request for Business.
When admin rejects your claim request for Business.
When other Business owner approves my request for crossposting.
When other Business owner request to add my Business for crossposting.
When a Business is created in category I Followed.
When someone invites me to Business.
When someone request to link my business.
When admin has approved claim by other member for your Business.
When payment is made for the business.
When my request to join a Business has been disapproved.
When Business owner rejects my request for Business linking.
When someone claims your business.
When someone claims your business on your website.
Business Directories Forums Extension
When people like on topic post.
When people like a topic.
When people add reputation to any post.
When people say thanks to any post.
When people give rating on topic.
When people reply to topics that I've replied to.
When people reply to topics that I create.
When people Subscribe on any topic.
Business Offers Extension
When someone mark my business offer as favourite.
When someone follow my business offer.
When someone like my business offer.
Business Polls Extension
When a user someone mark poll in a business as favourite.
When a user someone likes poll in a business.
When a user someone likes poll in a business.
Business Directories - Reviews & Ratings Extension
When someone has written review on your page.
Community Advertisements Plugin
When Advertisement is activated.
When Advertisement is approved.
When Advertisement is dis-approved.
When Advertisement has expired.
When Advertisement payment has overdue.
When Advertisement is pending.
When new Advertisement is created and waiting for approval.
When Advertisement payment is canceled.
When Advertisement payment is pending.
When Advertisement payment is refunded.
When Advertisement payment is successful.
When Advertisement payment is made.
Advanced Contests Plugin
When people commented on contest that I followed.
When someone follow my contest.
When my contest gets approved.
When someone like a contest I followed.
When someone submit an entry in my contest.
When someone submit an entry in contest I followed.
When my contest gets disapproved.
When my contest is pending because of payment.
When my contest is sent to admin for approval.
When someone vote for my entry.
When voting on a contest I participated has ended.
When voting on a contest I participated has started.
When I win a contest.
Credits & Activity / Reward Points Plugin
When I receive reward points from site administrators.
When my membership upgrade request is approved.
When my membership upgrade request is rejected.
When I receive credit points from a friend.
Crowdfunding / Charity / Fundraising / Donations Plugin
When my Crowdfunding Payment Request is Approved by Admin.
When my Crowdfunding Payment is Rejected by Admin.
When I received a donation for my Crowdfunding Campaign.
When someone make Payment request for Crowdfunding.
Discussions & External Links Posting Plugin
When someone likes Discussion I post.
When someone mark my discussion as favourite.
When someone follow my discussion.
Advanced Events Plugin
When my request to attend an event is approved.
When someone request to join my event.
When people reply to discussion topics that I've replied to.
When people reply to discussion topics that I create.
When payment for the event gets approved.
When event ticket payment is cancelled.
When payment is requested.
When some purchase event tickets.
When someone edit event venue.
When someone save an event.
When someone mark an event as favourite.
When someone marks event host as favourite.
When someone marks list of events as favourite.
When someone marks event speaker as favourite.
When I'm invited to attend an event.
When someone likes an event.
When someone likes an event album.
When someone likes an event host.
When someone likes list of an events.
When someone likes an event photo.
When site member is made host of an event.
Advanced Forums Plugin
When I'm given moderator status in a forum.
When people like on topic post.
When people like on forum topic.
When people add reputation to forum post.
When people say thanks to forum post.
When people give rating on forum topic.
When people reply to forum topics that I've replied to.
When people reply to forum topics that I create.
When people Subscribe on forum topic.
Group Communities
When my request to link a Group is approved.
When my request to join a Group is approved.
When someone request to join my Group.
When admin approves your claim request for Group.
When admin rejects your claim request for Group.
When other Group owner approves my request for crossposting.
When other Group owner request to add my Group for crossposting.
When a Group is created in category I Followed.
When name of Group I Favourited is changed.
When name of Group I Followed is changed.
When name of Group I Joined is changed.
When someone creates new photo album in a Group I Followed
When someone joined the Group I Followed.
When someone Likes a Group I Followed.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Group I Followed.
When someone creates new photo album in a Group I Joined
When someone joins the Group I Joined.
When someone likes the Group I Joined.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Group I Joined.
When my Group gets approved.
When my Group gets disapproved.
When someone marked my Group as favourite.
When someone follow my Group.
When someone Joins my Group.
When someone like my Group.
When a new announcement is posted in Group.
When Group owners assign me a role in their Group.
When someone invites me to Group.
When someone request to link my group.
When admin has approved claim by other member for your Group.
When my group is pending because of payment.
When my request to join a Group has been disapproved.
When Group owner rejects my request for Group linking.
When new group is created and is waiting for admin approval.
When new group is created and is waiting for admin approval.
When someone has claimed your Group
When someone claim a group
Groups Joining Fees
When admin approve join group payment.
When join group payment is cancelled.
When someone paid you for group.
When payment is requested.
Group Polls Extension
When a user mark poll in a group as favourite.
When a user likes poll in a group.
When a user likes poll in a group.
Group Videos
When someone mark group video as favorite
Video processed failed
When someone rates an group video
Video is approved by the administrator
Video is disapproved by the administrator
Video is processed
When job is approved.
When someone subscribe to company.
When someone marked my Job as favourite.
When member appliy for job.
When new job posted in company you have subscribed to.
Job payment notification
When member send job for approval
Advanced Listing Plugin
When your claim for a listing is approved.
When your claim for a listing is declined.
When someone's claim on your listing is approved.
When payment made for the Listing.
When someone's claim request on your listing has been rejected.
When a new listing entry is posted by a member you have subscribed to.
When someone claims your listing.
Social Photo Media Importer Plugin
When imported photos not uploaded.
When photos imported successfully and ready to be viewed.
Ultimate Members Plugin
When admin mark as featured to you.
When someone like you.
When someone has written review on your profile.
When admin mark as sponsored to you.
When admin mark as vip to you.
Members Verification by Other Members Plugin
When admin reject verification request.
When admin approve verification request.
When member verified other member.
When someone add a music album to favorite
When someone rate a music album
When someone add a song to favorite
When someone rate a song
When someone add a playlist to favorite
News / RSS Importer & Aggregator Plugin
When a new news entry is posted by a member in subscribed rss.
When any member subscribes your RSS
SNS - Page Directories Plugin
When my request to link a Page is approved.
When my request to join a Page is approved.
When someone request to join my Page.
When admin approves your claim request for Page.
When admin rejects your claim request for Page.
When other Page owner approves my request for crossposting.
When other Page owner request to add my Page for crossposting.
When a Page is created in category I Followed.
When someone invites me to Page.
When someone request to link my page.
When admin has approved claim by other member for your Page.
When admin has approved your page.
When my Page gets disapproved.
When someone marked my Page as favourite.
When someone follow my Page.
When someone Joins my Page.
When someone like my Page.
When a new announcement is posted in Page.
When someone creates new photo album in a Page I Followed
When someone joined the Page I Followed.
When someone Likes a Page I Followed.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Page I Followed.
When someone creates new photo album in a Page I Joined
When someone joins the Page I Joined.
When someone likes the Page I Joined.
When someone uploads new photo album in a Page I Joined.
When new page is created and is waiting for admin approval.
When name of my Favourite Page is changed.
When name of Page I Followed is changed.
When name of Page I Joined is changed.
When Page owners assign me a role in their Page.
When my page is pending because of payment.
When my request to join a Page has been disapproved.
When Page owner rejects my request for Page linking.
When I create a new Page and has to wait for admin approval.
When someone claims your page.
When admin claims your page.
Page Directories Forums Extension
When people like on topic post.
When people like a topic.
When people add reputation to any post.
When people say thanks to any post.
When people give rating on topic.
When people reply to topics that I've replied to.
When people reply to topics that I create.
When people Subscribe on any topic.
Page Notes Extension
When someone mark my page note as favourite.
When someone like my page note.
Page Offers
When someone mark my page offer as favourite.
When someone follow my page offer.
When someone like my page offer.
Prayers Plugin
When people like my prayer
When somene send you prayer
Stores Marketplace - Products Plugin
When my product is approved
When a product is created
When my product is disapproved
When someone mark product as favourite.
When products are out of stock.
When product is waiting for approval.
When Payment rejected by site admin of Store owner.
When someone gives a review on product.
When a new product entry is posted by a member you have subscribed to.
When someone mark my wishlist as favourite.
When a product in cart or Wishlist goes out of stock.
SNS - Questions & Answers Plugin
When a question I Follow is marked with best answer.
When my question has new answer.
When my question is approved.
When my question is waiting for approval.
When my answer is marked as best answer.
When my question is dis-approved.
When someone Follows my question.
When a question I Follow is answered.
Quotes Plugin
When people like my quote
Recipes With Reviews & Location Plugin
When your claim for a recipe is approved.
When your claim for a recipe is declined.
When someone's claim on your recipe is approved.
When a new recipe entry is posted by a member you have subscribed to.
When someone claims your recipe.
Testimonial Showcase Plugin
You request for testimonial approval.
Thoughts Plugin
When people like my thought
Member Verification via KYC Documents Plugin
When my document is rejected.
When I receive notification for new document uploaded for verification.
When my document is verified.
Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin
When someone add a channel to favorite
When someone follow a channel
When someone rate a channel
When someone add a playlist to favorite
When someone add a video to favorite
When someone rate a video
Video is approved by the administrator
Video is disapproved by the administrator
When a video has been processed.
When a video has failed to be processed.
When people like my wish
Short TikTak Videos Plugin for Mobile Apps
When a video has been processed.
When a video has failed to be processed.
Save Changes