Friendship / Follow

Friendship Settings

Facilitating relationships between members is essential to building a successful social network. There are several different types of connections that can exist between members. Use this page to determine how members will associate with each other. Note that although we refer to these relationships as "friendships" in this control panel, you should use a word that best fits with your social network's theme. For example, if you are running a business-oriented social network, you may want to change this word to "connections".

Do you want to enable user friendship functionality on your website? Note that if you select "no", none of the other settings on this page will apply.

Using friend lists, your members can organize their friends under various labels that they create. They can then use these lists to send messages to multiple friends and customize their privacy settings.

Enter the maximum number of allowed friends. The field must contain an integer between 1 and 5000.