Auto Bot Actions Plugin - Auto Follow / Join / Like / Comment / Auto Friend Request

It is recommended to add maximum 10 bots at a time. More bots will result in more random actions at same time which will reduce the speed of your site and mobile apps (if you have).

Create New Auto Action to be Performed by Bots

Enter the title for this auto action to be performed by the bots on your website. (This is only for identification.)

Select users from below options, on whose new content Bots will perform actions on your website. You can choose Bots in the "Choose Bot" setting below.

Select the specific user from auto-suggest box below on whose new content bots will perform actions on your website.

Select the member levels belonging to which members will get auto actions on their new content by bots. (Ctrl + Click to select multiple member levels.)

Do you want bots to auto Like new content of above selected members?

Do you want bots to auto Comment new content of above selected members? You can add comments which will be randomly posted from the "Manage Comments" section of this plugin.

Do you want bots to auto Join new content of above selected members?

Do you want bots to auto Favourite new content of above selected members?

Do you want bots to auto Follow new content of above selected members?

Choose the bots who will perform auto actions on content created by above selected members of your website. You can add and manage Bots from the "Manage Bots" section of this plugin.

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