Auto Bot Actions Plugin - Auto Follow / Join / Like / Comment / Auto Friend Request

It is recommended to add maximum 10 bots at a time. More bots will result in more random actions at same time which will reduce the speed of your site and mobile apps (if you have).

Create New Auto Action for New Signup Members

Below, select a module in which you want newly signed up members to perform actions. (Note: You will only see those modules which have some content in them. If there is no content, then the module will not come in the drop-down below. To get started, create content to select modules.) [Also, if you see module, but not the content dropdown, then you may have created actions for all existing content and now you need to add more content in the module to get started.]

Below, choose the content on which you want the newly signed up members to perform actions.

Do you want auto action perform on selected content when new member signup on your website?

Choose the member levels belonging to which new signed up members will perform actions on your website. (Ctrl + Click to select multiple member levels.)

Do you want new signed up members to auto Like the above selected content?

Do you want new signed up members to auto Comment the above selected content? You can add comments which will be randomly posted from the "Manage Comments" section of this plugin.

Do you want auto friend of selected content?

Do you want new signed up members to auto Join the above selected content?

Do you want new signed up members to auto Favourite the above selected content?

Do you want new signed up members to auto Follow the above selected content?

or Cancel