SEO Settings

Meta Tags Settings for Widgetized Pages

Here, you can enter the meta title, meta description and meta image for Search Engines for all the widgetized pages on your website.
The View pages of all the content and member profile page will have their own meta tags, so these tags will be appended to their tags automatically.

740 entries found.
Page ID Page Name Meta Title Meta Description Meta Image Options
24 User Notifications Settings Page Notifications This page is the user notification settings page. --- Edit
25 User Emails Settings Page Emails This page is the user email settings page. --- Edit
26 User Change Password Settings Page Change Password This page is the change password page. --- Edit
27 User Delete Account Settings Page Delete Account This page is the delete accout page. --- Edit
28 Member Browse Page Member Browse This page show member lists. --- Edit
29 SNS - Error - Coming Soon Page Coming Soon Page This page is coming soon page. --- Edit
30 SNS - Error - Page Not Found Page Page Not Found This page is page not found page. --- Edit
31 SNS - Error - Private Page Private Error Page This page is private error page. --- Edit
32 SNS - Games - Games Edit Page Game Edit Page This page is the game edit page. --- Edit
33 SNS - Games - Games Create Page Game Create Page This page is the game create page. --- Edit
34 SNS - Games - Games View Page Game View Page This page is the game view page. --- Edit
35 SNS - Games - Games Browse Page Games Browse This page lists games entries. --- Edit
36 SNS - Games - Games Manage Page Games Manage This page lists games entries. --- Edit
37 SNS - Coupon - Profile View Page Coupon View Page This page display all details related to the current coupon like description, start, end date etc. --- Edit
38 SNS - Coupons - Coupon Browse Page Browse Coupons This page lists all coupons which are created by members of the website. --- Edit
39 SNS - Coupon - Manage Coupons Page Manage Coupons This page displays all the coupons which are created by users. --- Edit
40 SNS - Coupon - FAQS Coupon FAQs This page displays Coupon FAQs. --- Edit
41 SNS - Multiple Listing Builder - Listings Home Page Listing Home This is the listing home page. --- Edit
42 SNS - Multiple Listing Builder - Listings Browse Page Listing Browse This page lists listing entries. --- Edit
43 SNS - Multiple Listing Builder - Listings Browse Categories Page Listings Browse Category This page lists listing categories. --- Edit