Do you want to allow users to create Courses? If set to “No”, some other settings on this Course may not apply. This is useful when you want certain levels only to be able to create Courses. If this setting is chosen “Yes” for Public Member level, then when a public users click on "Create New Course" option, they will see Authorization Popup to Login or Sign-up on your website.
Do you want to let members view Courses? If set to no, some other settings on this Course may not apply.
Do you want to let members edit Courses?
Do you want to let members delete Courses?
Do you want to let members of this level comment on Courses?
Do you want to allow members of this member level to upload main photo for their Courses. If set to No, then the default main photo will get displayed instead which you can choose in settings below.
Choose a photo which you want to be added as the watermark on the main photos uploads by the members of this level on your website.
Choose a photo which you want to be added as the watermark on the thumb photos uploads by the members of this level on your website.
Choose Main default photo for the Courses on your website. [Note: You can add a new photo from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager. Leave the field blank if you do not want to change Course default photo.]
Do you want Courses created by members of this level to be auto-approved?
Do you want Course created by members of this level to be automatically marked as Featured? If you choose No, then you can manually mark Course as Featured from Manage Course section of this plugin.
Do you want Course created by members of this level to be automatically marked as Sponsored? If you choose No, then you can manually mark Course as Sponsored from Manage Course section of this plugin.
Do you want Course created by members of this level to be automatically marked as Verified? If you choose No, then you can manually mark Course as Verified from Manage Course section of this plugin.
Your members can choose from any of the options checked below when they decide who can see their Courses. These options appear on your members' "Add Course" and "Edit Course" courses. If you do not check any options, settings will default to the last saved configuration. If you select only one option, members of this level will not have a choice.
Your members can choose from any of the options checked below when they decide who can post comments on their Courses. If you do not check any options, settings will default to the last saved configuration. If you select only one option, members of this level will not have a choice.
Do you want to let members of this level upload videos in Courses?
Your users can choose from any of the options checked below when they decide who can upload videos to their courses. If you do not check any options, settings will default to the last saved configuration. If you select only one option, members of this level will not have a choice.
If you enable this feature, your members will be able to customize the colors and fonts of their Courses by altering their CSS styles.
Do you want to allow the members of this level to choose View privacy of their Courses based on Member Levels on your website? If you choose Yes, then users will be able to choose the visibility of their Courses to members of selected member levels only.
Do you want to allow the members of this level to choose View privacy of their Courses based on Networks on your website? If you choose Yes, then users will be able to choose the visibility of their Courses to members who have joined selected networks only.
Enter the maximum number of allowed Courses to be created by members of this level. The field must contain an integer between 1 and 999, or 0 for unlimited.
Enter the maximum number of allowed Lectures to be created by members of this level. The field must contain an integer between 1 and 999, or 0 for unlimited.
Enter the maximum number of allowed Tests to be created by members of this level. The field must contain an integer between 1 and 999, or 0 for unlimited.
Do you want to let members of this level to add Courses to their wishlists on your website?
Enter the maximum number of wishlists a member of this level can create. The field must contain an integer, use zero (0) for unlimited.
Do you want to allow users to Create New Lecture? When Yes selected then at user-end Create New Lecture will display and when No selected then no link will display to Create New Lecture.
Do you want to allow users to edit their Lectures? When Yes selected then “Edit Lecture” tab display after creating Lecture on top of its form and disable when No selected
Do you want to allow users to delete their Lectures?
Do you want to allow users to create a Test? When Yes selected then at user-end Create Test link will display and when No selected then no link will display to create Test
Do you want to allow users to edit their Test? When Yes selected then “Edit Test” tab display after creating Test on top of its form and disable when No selected
Change the unit for admin commission.
Enter the value for commission according to the unit chosen in above setting. [If you have chosen Percentage, then value should be in the range 1 to 100.]
Enter the threshold amount which will be required before making the request for releasing payment from admins.