Here, you can configure the settings for the Header, Main and Mini navigation menus of your website. Below, you can choose to place the Main Navigation menu vertically or horizontally.
Choose from below the logo image for the header of your website. [Note: You can add a new photo from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager.]
Choose from below the options to be available in header to the logged in members on your website.
Choose from below the options to be available in header to the non-logged in members on your website.
Choose the placement for the Main Navigation Menu of your website. For Vertical placement, you can configure various options for the menu display.
Do you want to make the header of your website transparent?
Choose number of menu items to be displayed before “More�? dropdown menu occurs?
Enter "More" Button Text
Do you want to show plugin navigation menu for the Main Menus?
Below, choose the effect of opening the Main menu when the icon is clicked in the site header. [For Slide option, you can choose to show the main menu always or hide it.]
Do you want to allow users to choose to hide the main menu? If you choose Yes, then users will be able to hide the main menu and to see the main menu, they will have to click on the icon in the site Header.
Choose from below the background image for the user section in Main Menu. [Note: You can add a new photo from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager.] If you have the Advanced Members plugin, then the users Cover Photo will show up in this section, instead of this background cover photo.
Choose from below the background image for the menu section in Main Menu. [Note: You can add a new photo from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager.]