SocialNetworking.Solutions (SNS) Basic Required Plugin

Lightbox Viewer Settings

Do you want to open photos in Lightbox Viewer? [You can choose the type of the lightbox viewer to be opened for members depending on their member levels from the Member Level Settings.]

Do you want to show the information when advanced lightbox is opened? (If you select Yes, then the information window available in the right side of the advanced lightbox will be shown by default. If you select No, then the information will show when users will click on the Info icon (i) available in the top right corner of the lightbox.)

Choose below the photo to be shown for a private photo when the photo is shown in photo lightbox. When a user upload a photo and restrict its visibility to friend or network, then also the photo is showed in Activity Feed and certain widgets and browse pages. Below chosen photo will be shown for such private pages to users who does not have access. [Note: You can add a new photo from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager.]

Enter the title truncation limit of the albums when shown lightbox viewer.

Choose from below the options to be available in the lightbox viewer for photos.

Do you want to allow your users to share photos from the photo lightbox viewer on your website to other social networking websites? [Note: Only Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest options are available in Lightbox Viewer.] (If you want to enable social sharing on multiple other social networking websites (Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Skype, and many more …), then you should have our "Advanced Sharing Plugin – Inside and Outside Site Sharing" plugin installed and activated on your website.)

Enter the number of social networking sites to be shown while sharing the photos. (If you enable More Icon, then other social site icons will display on clicking the more icon.

Do you want to enable More icon to view all social networking sites’ share icons?