Here, you can choose the settings which are related to the creation of Businesses on your website. The settings enabled or disabled will effect Business Directory creation page and Edit businesses.
Do you want to show "Create New Business" icon in the bottom right side of all pages of this plugin?
Do you want to show the Category Selection Form as the first step, when user creates a Business. If Yes, then users will be moved to Business Create Form only after selecting the category. If No, then user will be directly moved to Business Create Form.
Choose from below the which photo of categories do you display with category names. You can upload and esti these photos from the "Categories & Profile Fields" section of this plugin.
Do you want the Business to be created by filling the details in the category boxes? This will enable quick creation of Businesses on your website.
Choose from below where you want to redirect users after a Business is successfully created.
Do you want the "Advanced Share Popup" to be auto-populated after the Business is created? [Note: This setting will only work if you have placed Advanced Share widget on Business View or Business Dashboard, wherever user is redirected just after Business creation.]
Do you want to allow users to edit the custom URL of their Businesses once the Businesses are created? If you choose Yes, then the URL can be edited from the dashboard of Businesses?
Do you want to make Category field mandatory when users create or edit their Businesses?
Do you want to enable description of Businesses on your website?
Do you want to make Description field mandatory when users create or edit their Businesses?
Do you want to make Main Photo field mandatory when users create or edit their Businesses?
Do you want to enable tags for the Businesses on your website?
Do you want to enable joining of Businesses on your website? If you choose Yes, then other members will be able to join Businesses and become members of Businesses on your website.
Do you want owners of Businesses to automatically join Businesses after their creation on your website?
Do you want to allow Business owners to choose to enable / disable Join feature for their Businesses?
Select default option whether members should be allowed to join immediately, or wait for approval, when they Join a Business on your website.?
Do you want to allow business owners to choose new members to immediately become members of their Businesses or wait for their approval when new members join their Businesses?
Select default option whether members should be allowed to join immediately or wait for approval when they Join a Business on your website.
Do you want to allow business owners to choose title for the members of their Businesses?
Enter the title for members of Businesses on your website. E.g. Music Artist, Blogger, Painter, Dance Lover etc.
Enter the title for members of Businesses on your website. E.g. Music Artists, Bloggers, Painters, Dance Lovers etc.
Do you want to make Members' title field mandatory when users create or edit their Businesses?
Do you want to enable invitation to Join, Like and Follow Businesses on your website?
Do you want to allow business owners to choose to enable / disable Invite feature for their Businesses?
Do you want to allow Business owners to choose to enable site members to invite their friends to Like, Follow and Join their Businesses?
Do you want to enable “People can search for this Business” field while creating and editing Businesses on your website?
Do you want to provide Business owners with some Guidelines? If yes, then the box containing the guidelines will remain static on the top right of the create page when user scroll down the form.