Advanced Contests Plugin

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The name is how it appears on your site.

The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Title will appear on the Category View Page of your site.

This will be category color & will appear in Grid View of events.

Map this category with the profile type, so that questions belonging to the mapped profile type will appear to users while creating / editing their events when they choose the associated Category.

Choose the Member Levels to which this category will be displayed.(Note: Hold down the CTRL key to select or de-select specific Member Levels.)

Description will appear on the Category View Page of your site.

Upload an icon. (The Recommended dimensions of the icon: 40px * 40px.]

Upload colored icon. (The Recommended dimensions of the icon: 40px * 40px.]

Upload a thumbnail. (The Recommended dimensions of the thumbnail: 500px * 300px.]

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