Advanced Contests Plugin

Entry Submission Settings

Here, you can configure the settings for submitting entries via entry submission form for the contests on your website.

Do you want to enable Tags (Keywords) for the entries on your website?

Choose from below the user details you want to show to them on Entry Submission Form? All these details will be pre filled if present in user’s account and user can edit those details while submitting an entry.

Do you want to enable description of entries on your website? (Note: For “Text” media type entries description will never come.)

Do you want to make description field mandatory when users submite an entry to participate in the contest?

Do you want to enable main photo of entry on Entry Submit Form for “Text” media type?

Do you want to make main photo field mandatory for “Text” media type when users submit entry to participate in the contest?

Do you want to enable main photo of entry on Entry Submit Form for “Music” media type?

Do you want to make main photo field mandatory for “Music” media type when users submit entry to participate in the contest?

Do you want to enable main photo of entry on Entry Submit Form for “Video” media type?

Do you want to make main photo field mandatory for “Video” media type when users submit entry to participate in the contest?