Credits & Activity / Reward Points Plugin

Module Name & Feed Display Settings

Here, you can modify the names of modules which will be displayed in various widgets of this plugin.

You can also choose to display the activities of 1 module into another module, simply by chosing the parent module by editing it. This will be useful to show activities of an extension into its parent module.

Module Status Options
activity Edit
booking Edit
courses Edit
coursesvideo Edit
eclassroom Edit
edocument Edit
egames Edit
elivestreaming Edit
emultlist Edit
epetition Edit
estore Edit
eticktokclone Edit
sesadvancedactivity Edit
sesadvpoll Edit
sesalbum Edit
sesarticle Edit
sesblog Edit
sesbusiness Edit
sesbusinessvideo Edit
sescommunityads Edit
sescontest Edit
sescrowdfunding Edit
sesdiscussion Edit
sesevent Edit
sesfaq Edit
sesforum Edit
sesgroup Edit
sesgroupforum Edit
sesgrouppoll Edit
sesgroupvideo Edit
sesjob Edit
seslisting Edit
sesmember Edit
sesmusic Edit
sesnews Edit
sespage Edit
sespageforum Edit
sespageoffer Edit
sesprayer Edit
sesproduct Edit
sesqa Edit
sesquote Edit
sesrecipe Edit
sessocialshare Edit
sesthought Edit
sestutorial Edit
sesvideo Edit
seswishe Edit
user Edit