These settings affect all members in your community.
Enter your license key that is provided to you when you purchased this plugin. If you do not know your license key, please drop us a line from the Support Ticket section on SocialNetworking.Solutions website. (Key Format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
Enter the text for the tip which will be shown to users for getting their emails verified, until they verify their emails on your website.
Enter the text to be entered for %s in the tip. %s will be the text for link to resend the verification email.
Do you want to show close button on email verification tip enable users to see a close button on email verification tip using which they can close the verification reminder tip?
After how many days will the email verification tip be visible to users once closed? [Enter ‘0’, if you want email verification tip to be visible each time to users visit your website.]
Enter the background color of the tip.
Enter the font color of the tip.
Do you want to auto suspend the account of users who have not verified their email on your website? If you choose Yes, then you will be able to choose number of days after which their accounts will be suspended (Un-Approved) from the date of their signup on your website.
Enter the number of days after which users accounts will be suspended (disabled) if they do not verify their emails from the date of their signup on your website. Once users are Un-Approved, you can Approve them from the Manage >> Members >> Edit Member >> Approve setting.