These settings affect all members in your community.
Enter your license key that is provided to you when you purchased this plugin. If you do not know your license key, please drop us a line from the Support Ticket section on SocialNetworking.Solutions website. (Key Format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
Do you want to set the Default Welcome Page of this plugin as Landing page of your website? ["This is a one-time setting, so if you choose ‘Yes’ and save changes, then later you can manually make changes in the Landing page from Layout Editor. Back up page of your current landing page will get created with the name “LP backup from SNS Advanced Events”.]
Choose from below where do you want to redirect logged in users when Event Menu item is clicked in the Main Navigation Menu Bar.
Choose from below where do you want to redirect non-logged in users when Event Menu item is clicked in the Main Navigation Menu Bar.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "events" in the URLs of this plugin.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "event" in the URLs of this plugin.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "Event" at various places in this plugin like activity feeds, etc.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "Events" at various places in this plugin like search form, navigation menu, etc.
Do you want to enable location for events on your website?
Choose the unit for proximity search of location of events on your website.
Do you want the "Advanced Share Popup" to be auto-opened after the event is created? [Note: This setting will only work if you have placed Advanced Share widget on Event Profile page or Event Dashboard, wherever user is redirected just after event creation.]
Do you want to show Custom Terms & Conditions field on event create page?
Do you want to enable WYSIWYG Editor for custom terms and conditions while creating and editing events?
Do you want to make description field mandatory when users create or edit their events?
Do you want to show “People must be invited to RSVP for this event” option to users when they create or edit their events?
Choose the default value for “People must be invited to RSVP for this event”.
“Do you want to show “Invited guests can invite other people as well” option to users when they create or edit their events?
Choose the default value for “Invited guests can invite other people as well”.
Do you want to enable users to Save events to their saved list on your website? [If Yes, then users will be able to save the events from Event Profile Pages.]
Do you want to allow users to follow Event Hosts on your website?
Do you want to allow event owners to edit host of their events from the event dashboard?
Choose from below where do you want to redirect users when they click on Hosts who are members of your website.
Choose from below where do you want to redirect users after an event is successfully created.
How many menu items do you want to show in the Main Navigation Menu of this plugin?
Do you want to allow members to add Events to favorite on your website?
Choose the visibility of the events created in a content to only that content (module) or show in Home page, Browse page and other places of this plugin as well? (To enable users to create events in a content or module, place the widget "Content Profile Events" on the profile page of the desired content.)