These settings affect all members in your community.
Enter your license key that is provided to you when you purchased this plugin. If you do not know your license key, please drop us a line from the Support Ticket section on SocialEngineSolutions website. (Key Format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)
Do you want to set the Welcome Page of this plugin as Default Landing page of your website? [This is a one time setting, so if you choose ‘Yes’ and save changes, then later you can manually make changes in the Landing page from Layout Editor. Back up page of your current landing page will get created with the name “LP backup from SNS Group Communities”.]
Who all users do you want to see this "Welcome Page"?
Choose from below where do you want to redirect users when Group Menu item is clicked in the Main Navigation Menu Bar.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "group-communities" in the URLs of this plugin.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "group-community" in the URLs of this plugin.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "Group" at various places in this plugin like activity feeds, etc.
Enter the text which you want to show in place of "Groups" at various places in this plugin like search form, navigation menu, etc.
Do you want to display Group owners’ name and profile in various widgets and Pages of this plugin? Choosing No for this setting will help you hide the identity of the group owners.
Do you want to add watermark to photos (from this plugin) on your website? If you choose Yes, then you can upload watermark image to be added to the photos from the Member Level Settings.
Choose the position for the watermark.
Enter the maximum height of the large main photo (in pixels) for Groups. [Note: This photo will be shown in the lightbox and on " Group View". Also, this setting will apply on new uploaded photos.]
Enter the maximum width of the large main photo (in pixels) for Groups. [Note: This photo will be shown in the lightbox and on "Group View". Also, this setting will apply on new uploaded photos.]
Enter the maximum height of the medium photo (in pixels) for Groups. [Note: This photo will be shown in the various widgets and pages of this plugin. Also, this setting will apply on new uploaded photos.]
Enter the maximum width of the medium photo (in pixels) for Groups. [Note: This photo will be shown in the various widgets and pages of this plugin. Also, this setting will apply on new uploaded photos.]
Do you want to display contact details of Groups to non-logged in users of your website? If you choose No, then non-logged in users will be asked to login when they try to view the contact details of group in various widgets and places on your website ?
Do you want to enable location for the Groups on your website? You can choose to “Allow to Add Multiple Locations” in Groups from the Member Level Settings of this plugin.?
Do you want to make Location field mandatory when users create or edit their Groups?
Choose the unit for proximity search of location of Groups on your website. (Note: This setting will only work when you have enabled location via Google APIs from the Basic Required Plugin. If you have disabled Google APIs, then you will not able to search groups based on their proximity.)
Do you want to open the location in Get Direction popup when users click on the Location of Groups at various places and widgets? (Note: This setting will only work when you have enabled location via Google APIs from the Basic Required Plugin. If you have disabled Google APIs, then page locations will not be clickable and Get Direction popup will not come.)
Do you want to display Group feeds to users only from the Groups which they have Liked, Followed, Joined or marked as Favourite? If you want to show feeds from all the Groups to your users, then choose 'No' in this setting.
Do you want to allow users to share Groups of your website inside on your website and outside on other social networking sites?
Do you want to allow members to add Groups on your website to Favorites?
Do you want to allow members to Follow Groups on your website?
Do you want to integrate the Like & Follow buttons of Groups such that when a user will Like a Group, then user will automatically Follow that Group and when user will Follow Group, then that Group will also be Liked?
Do you want to allow members to Follow Categories of Groups on your website?
Do you want to allow users to Report against Groups on your website?
Do you want to allow members to add Services in to Groups on your website?
Do you want to allow owners of Groups to enable or disable auto-approval of posts in their Groups? If you choose No, then all posts to the Groups will be auto-approved.
How many menu items do you want to show in the Main Navigation Menu of this plugin?
Enter the comma separated emails in the box below on which you want to receive emails whenever a new Group is created on your website.