Stores Marketplace

Manage Categories

Product categories can be managed here. To create new categories, use "Add New Category" form below. Below, you can also choose Slug URL, Title, Description, Profile Type to be associated with the category, Icon and Thumbnail. You can also map Categories with the Profile Types, so that questions belonging to the mapped Profile Type will appear to users while creating / editing products when they choose the associated Category.

To create 2nd-level categories and 3rd-level categories, choose respective 1st-level and 2nd-level category from "Parent Category" dropdown below. Choose this carefully as you will not be able to edit Parent Category later.

To reorder the categories, click on their names or row and drag them up or down.

Add New Category

The name is how it appears on your site.

The "slug" is the URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens.

Title will appear on the Category View Page of your site.

Hold down the CTRL key to select or de-select specific Member Levels.

Description will appear on the Category View Page of your site.

[Recommended size is: 40px * 40px.]
[Recommended size is: 500px * 300px.]
Icon Name Slug Options
--- Others others Edit | Delete
--- Animal Care animal-care Edit | Delete
--- - Pet Care Products pet-care-products Edit | Delete
--- - Food Items food-items Edit | Delete
--- Automobiles automobiles Edit | Delete
--- - Mopeds mopeds Edit | Delete
--- - Bike bike Edit | Delete
--- - Car car Edit | Delete
--- Musical Instruments musical-instruments Edit | Delete
--- - Guitar guitar Edit | Delete
--- - Drums drums Edit | Delete
--- Beauty Care beauty-care Edit | Delete
--- - Skin Products skin-products Edit | Delete
--- - Perfumes & Deodorants perfumes-deodorants Edit | Delete
--- Health & Food health-food Edit | Delete
--- - Grocery Items grocery-items Edit | Delete
--- - Nutrition nutrition Edit | Delete
--- Education education Edit | Delete
--- - Notebooks notebooks Edit | Delete
--- -- Diary diary Edit | Delete
--- - Books books- Edit | Delete
--- -- Novels novels Edit | Delete
--- Electronics electronics Edit | Delete
--- - Tablets tablets Edit | Delete
--- - Refrigerators refrigerators Edit | Delete
--- - T.V. t-v- Edit | Delete
--- -- LCD, LED, Plasma lcd-led-plasma Edit | Delete
--- - Computers computers Edit | Delete
--- -- Laptops laptops Edit | Delete
--- -- Desktop desktop Edit | Delete
--- - Mobiles mobiles Edit | Delete
--- -- Iphones iphones Edit | Delete
--- -- Android Phones android-phones Edit | Delete
--- -- Featured Phones featured-phones Edit | Delete
--- Furniture furniture Edit | Delete
--- - Fiber fiber Edit | Delete
--- -- Sofa sofa Edit | Delete
--- - Wooden wooden- Edit | Delete
--- -- Bed bed Edit | Delete
--- -- Table table Edit | Delete
--- Kids kids Edit | Delete
--- - Toys toys Edit | Delete
--- - Girl girl Edit | Delete
--- - Boy boy Edit | Delete
--- Women women Edit | Delete
--- Men men Edit | Delete
--- - footwear footwear Edit | Delete
--- - Clothing clothing Edit | Delete
--- -- Bottom Wear bottom-wear Edit | Delete
--- -- Wedding Dress wedding-dress Edit | Delete
--- -- Botton wear botton-wear Edit | Delete
--- -- Top wear top-wear Edit | Delete