Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin

Upload New Video or Photo

Below, enter the details for the new video or photo.

Enter the caption for this video or photo.

Choose the color for the caption.

Enter the description for this video or photo.

Choose the color for the description.

Upload a thumbnail icon for the video. This icon will be shown in the HTML5 Video Background at user end.(100X100)

Upload a video or photo [Note: currently this plugin support ".mp4" videos only and photos with extension: “jpg, png and jpeg] only.]

Do you want to show login button to the non-logged in users in the video or photo?

Enter the text for the login button.

Choose the color for the login button text.

Choose the color for the login button.

Choose the color for the login button when users mouse over on it.

Do you want to show login button to the non-logged in users in the video or photo?

Enter the text for the sign up button.

Choose the color for the login button text.

Choose the color for the sign up button.

Choose the color for the sign up button when users mouse over on it.

Do you want to show an additional button on this video / photo?

Enter the text for the button.

Choose the color for the button text.

Choose the color for the login button.

Choose the color for the button when users mouse over on it.

or Cancel