Advanced Videos & Channels Plugin

Global Settings

These settings affect all members in your community.

Enter your license key that is provided to you when you purchased this plugin. If you do not know your license key, please drop us a line from the Support Ticket section on SocialNetworking.Solutions website. (Key Format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)

Choose from below where do you want to redirect users when Videos Menu item is clicked in the Main Navigation Bar.

Choose from below where do you want to redirect users when Videos Menu item is clicked in the Main Navigation Bar.

Enter the text which you want to show in place of "videos" in the URLs of this plugin.

Enter the text which you want to show in place of "video" in the URLs of this plugin.

Do you want to enable channels for videos on your website? [If you choose Yes, then members would be able to create their channels and add videos into them. Below, you can choose which all videos can be added to channels.]

Enter the text which you want to show in place of "channeld" in the URLs of this plugin.

Enter the text which you want to show in place of "channel" in the URLs of this plugin.

Choose the visibility of the videos created in a content to only that content (module) or show in Home page, Browse page and other places of this plugin as well? (To enable users to create videos in a content or module, place the widget "Content Profile Videos" on the profile page of the desired content.)

Do you want to enable WYSIWYG Editor for custom terms and conditions while creating and editing videos?

Choose from below the videos which users can add to their channels?

Do you want to allow users to give rating on channels on your website?

Do you want to allow users to give rating on own channels on your website?

Do you want to allow users to edit their rating on channels on your website?

Do you want to show earlier rating on channels on your website?

Do you want to make category field mandatory when users create or edit their chanels?

Do you want to enable follow for channles on your website. If you choose "Yes" then your site members follow channels.

Choose from below where do you want to enable location in Video.

Do you want to allow users to give rating on videos on your website?

Do you want to allow users to give rating on own videos on your website?

Do you want to allow users to edit their rating on videos on your website?

Do you want to show earlier rating on videos on your website?

Do you want to allow users to give rating on artists on your website?

Do you want to allow users to edit their rating on artists on your website?

Do you want to show earlier rating on artists on your website?

Do you want to make category field mandatory when users create or edit their videos?

Do you want to enable watch later for videos on your website. If you choose "Yes" then your site members will be able to save videos to their watch later list.

Do you want to allow users to report videos on your website?report.

Choose the unit for proximity search of location of videos on your website.

Do you want to allow users to choose main photo for the videos while creating / editing their videos ?

Do you want to allow .MP4 videos to be uploaded directly without converting them from one extension to another? (Note: This setting will only work for mp4 video extension types for "My Computer" option.)

Enter the number of songs to be imported from Youtube Playlists. [We suggest you to choose less than 25 videos to be imported for a playlist as importing more videos may break the connection from Youtube and abort the process.]

While creating videos on your website, users can choose Youtube as a source. For this, create an Application Key through the Google Developers Console page.
For more information, see: YouTube Data API.

There are currently no photo for videos on your website. Photo to be chosen for videos on your website should be first uploaded from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section. => There are currently no photo in the File & Media Manager for the videos on your website. Please upload the Photo to be chosen for videos on your website from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section.

There are currently no photo for channels on your website. Photo to be chosen for channels on your website should be first uploaded from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section. => There are currently no photo in the File & Media Manager for the channels on your website. Please upload the Photo to be chosen for channels on your website from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section.

There are currently no photo for playlists on your website. Photo to be chosen for playlists on your website should be first uploaded from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section. => There are currently no photo in the File & Media Manager for the playlists on your website. Please upload the Photo to be chosen for playlists on your website from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section.

There are currently no photo for adult videos / channels on your website. Photo to be chosen for adult videos / channels on your website should be first uploaded from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section. => There are currently no photo in the File & Media Manager for the adult videos/channel on your website. Please upload the Photo to be chosen for adult videos/channel on your website from the "Layout" >> "File & Media Manager" section.

Please enter the full path to your FFMPEG installation. (Environment variables are not present)

How many menu items do you want to show in the main navigation menu of this plugin?

How many jobs do you want to allow to run at the same time?

Do you want to allow members to add Videos on your website to Favorites?

Do you want to allow members to add Channels on your website to Favorites?

Enter the domains of the sites (separated by commas) that you do not want to allow for Video Source. Example:, Note: We've integrated Iframely API with this module. By default URLs that return a 'player' are allowed, such as music based websites like Soundcloud. You can use this setting to control which sites should not be allowed in this section.