Courses - Learning Management System

Manage Dashboard Menu Items

Here, you can manage the Classroom Dashboard menu items and edit their Titles. You can also enable / disable any menu item from below.

Menu Item Status Options
Classroom Promotions - Edit
Edit Classroom Edit
Locations Edit
Contact Information Edit
Class Roles Edit
Manage Notification Edit
Post Attribution Edit
Operating Hours Edit
Category Based Profile Information Edit
Sales Stats Edit
Sales Report Edit
Contact Classroom Members Edit
SEO Edit
Overview Edit
Linked Classroom Edit
Advertise Classroom Edit
Announcements Edit
Classroom Apps Edit
Services Edit
Classroom Styling - Edit
Main Photo Edit
Background Photo Edit
Design Views Edit
CSS Style Edit
Manage Apps - Edit
Manage Classroom - Edit
Manage Courses & Orders - Edit
Manage Courses - Edit
Manage Orders - Edit
Manage Reports - Edit