Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin

Global Settings

These settings affect all members in your community.

Enter your license key that is provided to you when you purchased this plugin. If you do not know your license key, please drop us a line from the Support Ticket section on SocialNetworking.Solutions website. (Key Format: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX)

Do you want to enable members to Pin any post to the top of the feeds? (If you choose Yes, then the option to Pin any 1 post at the top of the feed will show on Member Profile page and content profile page wherever the "SNS - Adavnced Activity Feeds" widget is placed.)

Do you want to show Translate option in feeds? [If you choose Yes, then all the feeds will have a translate option.]

Choose the language in which you want to translate the feeds.

Do you want to enable feed action links - "Like, Comment and Share" for non-loggedin users?

Do you want to increase the font size of the feed?

Enter the number of characters until which the feed font size is increased.

Enter the font size (in pixels) of increased characters in feed.

Do you want to enable the "On This Day" memory on your website? If you choose "Yes", then users will find the On This Day link on the Member Home Page.

Do you want to show complete post as posted by the members of your website or give them show "more" / "less" option to show / hide the complete post?

Enter the character limit below after which users will see "more" option in the feed. When they will click on this "more" link, they will see complete post and "less" option to hide the post.

Do you want to enable the display of ads from SocialEngine Ad Campaign in activity feeds?

You have not created any Ads Campaign yet, Create New Campaign

Do you want to display the ads after each feed count cycle? (For example: if you have chosen 2 in above setting, then after a cycle of 2 feeds, ads will display in feeds.)

Enter the number of feeds after which the ads will display.

Do you want to enable the display of people (members), to the member viewing feed, may know? [If you choose Yes, then members will display in attractive carousel. The member carousel will only display when the member viewing feed will have at least 7 friends to be suggested.]

Enter the number of feeds after which the People You May Know carousel will display.

Select the attachments which will be available in status box.

Select from below how many photos do you want to show in feed. If members will upload more photos than this selected value, then remaining photo count will show on the last photo.

Enter the title of the What’s New Tab. If you do not want to show title, then simply leave this field empty.

Choose icon of the What’s New Tab. [Note: You can add a new icon from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager. Leave the field blank if you do not want to show icon.]

Do you want to enable members to report feeds on your website?

Do you want to allow members to choose privacy for their status updates while creating or editing the posts?

Do you want to allow members to choose to share their status posts with their friend lists?

Enter the GIPHY API key. Click Here to get the guidelines on how to create the key. If you already know, then simply get started.