Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin

Welcome (or Introduction) Tab Settings

Here, you can configure the welcome tab settings and various sections to be displayed under this tab. You can choose these section in “Welcome Tab Sections” widget to set their positions. Since, this page supports other widgets as well, you can place widgets from other plugins as well (including 3rd party plugin widgets).

Do you want to show this tab to users of your website?

Enter the title of the Welcome tab. If you do not want to show title, then simply leave this field empty.

Choose icon of the Welcome tab. [Note: You can add a new icon from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager. Leave the field blank if you do not want to show icon.]

Do you want to set a duration for the visibility of this Welcome Tab?

Enter number of days.

Enter number of friends.

Do you want to make this tab as the landing tab of Professional Activity & Comments on your website?

Do you want to show Friend Requests in this tab?

Enter the number of friend requests to be shown.

Do you want to enable members to find their friends from this tab?

Enter the number of friends count until which members will see “Find Friends” section.

Enter the heading of this tab. This heading will display on the top of the tab. Use [site_title] and [user_name] variables to show your website title and member name respectively in the heading.