Professional Activity & Nested Comments Plugin

Global Settings

These settings affect all members in your community.

Do you replace the SocialEngine Comments widget with the "Advanced Nested Comments" widget from this plugin? (If you choose "Yes", then wherever SocialEngine Comments widget is placed will be replaced by the widget from this plugin.)

Do you want the comment box to be opened when users on your webiste view comments in Activity Feed or comments in Profile pages of various plugin? If you select Yes, then the box to comment post will be open always and if you select No, then the comment box will open on clicking the Comment option. (This setting will only work when there is no comment. If there is already a comment on feed or content, then the comment box will be shown.).

Do you want to enable the Reactions when someone Likes any feed or content using the widget from this plugin?

Do you want to enable users to comment/reply owner in buysell feed in activity feed plugin from this plugin?

Do you want to enable users to reply on comments on any feed or content using the widget from this plugin?

Do you want to enable Up/Down vote in Activity?

Do you want to enable Up/Down vote in Comment?

Do you want to enable members to report comments and replies on any feed or content using the widget from this plugin?

Do you want to enable users to edit their comments and replies any feed or content using the widget from this plugin?

Do you want to enable Stickers in status updates, comments and replies on your website? [If you choose "Yes", then you can configure the stickers from here.]

Do you want to enable searching of stickers in Status update box, Comments and Replies on your website?

Enter the title of Stickers Popup.

Enter the description of Stickers Popup.

Choose from below the background image in Stickers popup. [Note: You can add a new photo from the "File & Media Manager" section from here: File & Media Manager.]

Choose from below the ordering options which you want to show for comments.

Do you want to show Translate option in comments and replies? [If you choose Yes, then all the comments and replies will have a translate option.]

Choose the language in which you want to translate the feeds.

Choose from below the attachments which you want to enable in the comments and replies on your website.